Today's free applique is a graduation cap. Celebrate your grad's big step towards the future by making them a t-shirt or just show them support by making yourself a t-sirt. This free applique looks great. Use the school colors as the fabric along with the faux braided tassel and make any grad pleased as punch! Also available in a stitched version at



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The Graduation Cap includes PDF Color Sheet and all of the following sizes: 3" 3.5" 4" 4.5" 5" 5.5" & 6".

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Designs courtesy of

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for the cap applique!! I’ve been searching high and low for this exact type of design for a very special congratulations wall hanging. This guy has overcome more hurdles to graduation than most people can imagine, including, but not limited to, emergency heart surgery. Thank you for publishing the tools to make this special and memorable!!!

    1. I’m glad we could help! I wish him all the luck in the world and I hope he cherishes your creation forever!